A physics experiment goes horribly wrong, granting everyman Jack Joyce incredible time-bending powers. He can deflect bullets, teleport across rooms, freeze or reverse time, and unleash deadly bursts of energy—abilities that come in handy when he learns he’s on a mission to save the world. But the evil Monarch corporation, led by his former friend Paul Serene, has other ideas, and Joyce finds himself being hunted across the fictional East Coast city of Riverport by a ruthless private army.

Quantum Break is a story-heavy action game by Max Payne creator Remedy. As well as a ten-hour campaign featuring the kind of cinematic combat the Finnish studio is known for, there’s a live-action TV show that runs alongside it. Episodes play between acts, and the scenes change—sometimes dramatically, sometimes subtly—according to decisions you make and things you interact with. It’s an interesting idea in theory, but you quickly realise that your impact on the outcome of the show is negligible, and that the game attached to it is a disappointingly average shooter.

Remedy has always been comfortable embracing pulpy genre fiction, whether it’s the paperback horror of Alan Wake or Max Payne’s hard-boiled noir. Now they’re embracing sci-fi, and the result is an entertaining, confident, and enjoyably melodramatic story that ended up being the highlight of the game for me. A solid cast of talented B-list actors help bring the script to life including Aidan Gillen (The Wire, Game of Thrones), who chews the scenery brilliantly as villain Serene, and Shawn Ashmore (X-Men) as likeable hero Joyce. It’s Remedy’s most self-serious game to date, missing some of the knowing humour of their earlier work, but it spins an engaging, energetic yarn that kept me interested all the way through.

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